• FoodKey is an ecosystem for understanding the healthfulness of the foods that you eat. There are three main parts of FoodKey:

    At the core of the technology is the FoodKey Score, a science-based number that evaluates over 50 health-related dimensions of food.

    FoodKey itself is a digital application where users can easily log their food and receive information about the healthfulness of that food.

    The FoodKey Dashboard is a tool for healthcare professionals—providers, clinicians, and health and wellness coaches—to monitor their patients' dietary intake and incorporate nutrition into their guidance.

    Eating, according to FoodKey, is associated with many health outcomes, such as body weight, cholesterol, and blood glucose levels, with odds of cardiovascular disease, cancer, metabolic syndrome, lung disease, and even lifespan.

  • The FoodKey Score is the only number that you need in order to understand the healthfulness of the food that you eat. The FoodKey Score was created by researchers to represent the positive and negative health outcomes associated with various qualities of food. The FoodKey Score includes food attributes like saturated and unsaturated fats, fiber and carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, added sugars, and dozens more attributes that have scientific evidence linking them to human health. The FoodKey Score reflects the quality of individual foods, of meals, and of long-term eating patterns. The Score itself ranges from 1 to 100, where a score of 1 indicates little nutritional value per calorie, and a score of 100 indicates a lot of nutritional value per calorie.

  • Calories are important but they are only one piece of nutrition. The calorie is the standard way of measuring the amount of energy contained in a food, but it does little to tell us about the makeup of that food, and it does not indicate whether that food provides good or poor nutrition.

  • The Nutrition Facts Panel found on packaged foods provides some information about the makeup of the food, such as fat, carbohydrate, protein, sugar, and sodium content. However, there are even more dimensions of food that correlate and contribute to health that are not represented on the Nutrition Facts Panel. These labels can be helpful but do not give you a complete picture of the nutritional value of your foods, nor do they make it easy to track nutrient intake from multiple foods over the course of a day.

  • Taking a picture is not required but is helpful for remembering what foods you had or logged. It is also helpful when you’re on the go and intend to log your meal later. There is no need to write down what you ate when you can reference the picture later.

  • Eating healthy foods is important for weight loss that can be maintained over the long term. Higher FoodKey Scores are associated with lower weight. Start by increasing your FoodKey Score by 10 points, and you may be surprised at the results.

  • KaiVitae is giving the FoodKey app to individual users for free to improve their health in a new, scientifically validated way. If a medical provider or coach wants to monitor and help their clients, they pay KiaVitae to use our FoodKey Dashboard. It is inexpensive, and pricing is based on the volume of patients/clients.

  • The FoodKey Dashboard is intended for medical providers and coaches to monitor and interact with their clients. Clients have to give the provider permission, but then the provider can see in real-time the client's food intake scored with a simple single number. No nutrition knowledge is needed, and it is simple to interpret.